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Production Test

We offer a complete In-House test service for circuit boards, sub-assemblies and complete products to a wide variety of Customers working in a range of fields from Medical to Automotive, Defence to Audio and many more.

Whether you need 1 unit per month testing or your volumes are more significant, we can assist you with your requirements using one or more of our core capabilities, namely SPEA flying probe, XJTAG boundary scan, device programming, LabView & functional test techniques.  

Utilising these capabilities we are able to validate product build quality at the following levels:

  • Shorts

  • Opens - including IC pins

  • Component value

  • Laser measurement

  • Power On

  • Device Functionality 

To deliver this service, which can take as little as 5 working days, we will need CAD data (preferably ODB++) Schematics & a BoM - but even if you don't have this full suite of data, talk to us to see what might be possible. 

What you will receive is : 

  • working PCB's - reworked by our IPC trained technicians 

  • a Test report detailing all work undertaken to get the PCB's working

  • a detailed Test Coverage Report

  • if required a detailed report for each PCB confirming the exact test parameters used and the detailed test results by component. 

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